Breast Reduction Surgery
Reconstructive surgery option for patients throughout Manhattan & NYC
Women seeking relief from the excessive discomfort and weight of their large breasts may choose to undergo breast reduction surgery. Breast reduction surgery can improve the breast size and shape. Thus, breast reduction gives a more proportionate breast to body ratio.
Are you a candidate for breast reduction?
Breast reduction surgery can be done under one or more of the following conditions:
- Breasts are too large and not proportionate with your body
- Have pendulous-like breast (breast with nipples and areolas pointing downward) and heavy in weight
- One breast is larger than the other
- Heavy breast weight causes back and shoulder pain and causes physical activity restrictions
- Indentations in your shoulders from tight bra straps with skin irritations beneath your breasts
- Self-consciousness about the largeness of your breasts
During consultation, desired breast size and anything related to your breast procedure will be discussed with Dr. Singer. It is important for you to tell him your exact plans in order to determine your expectations and ensure they are realistic. Plastic surgeons usually recommend doing breast reduction surgery after breast development has stopped although it can be performed at any age. Even though pregnancy and breast feeding may have unpredictable effects on breast size and shape, some women decide to undergo breast reduction surgery before having children. Nevertheless, planning to have children in the future should be discussed with Dr. Singer.
Evaluating your breasts prior the surgery
Examination of your breasts is an important part of your consultation. This includes taking measurements and taking photographs, notation of breast size and shape, skin quality and pigmentation, and location of the nipples and areolas.
Your past and present medical history will also be discussed. This will include medical treatments, medications hospitalizations, and previous surgeries and biopsies.
If you are planning to lose weight you should discuss this with Dr. Singer since it is recommended that you are at your ideal body weight prior to the procedure.
Is it covered by insurance?
Breast reduction surgery is sometimes covered by insurance depending on your eligibility and medical history/symptoms. Medical authorization may be required prior to surgery. Dr. Singer and his staff will discuss these matters with you.
Minding the incisions?
Personal preferences as well as the extent of the reduction will determine the specific technique selected to reduce the size of your breasts.
Breast reduction surgery involves two and sometimes three incisions as discussed below.
- An incision is made around the areola.
- Another incision runs vertically from the bottom edge of the areola to the crease underneath the breast.
- And the third incision is made horizontally beneath the breast and follows the natural curve of the breast crease. This incision may or may not be required depending on your individual anatomy.
The nipple and areola are placed at a higher position after excess skin and breast tissue ((has)) have been removed. They remain attached to underlying tissues, however, to allow for preservation of sensation and the ability to breast feed. The areola can also be reduced in size for aesthetic reasons. To improve the contour under the arm, liposuction can be utilized to decrease any fullness that may be present.